GM & Proportional Probes:
- P-13 Side-viewing, energy compensated
GM Probe with a 30 mg/cm2 wall. Energy response is ±40
KeV to 1.25 MeV ±20%. Housed in high impact plastic, which
is splashproof and rugged. Dimensions, 1-3/8'' dia. x 6'' long.
(Figure 1)
- P-13A Identical to the P-13 with Beta
window and sliding beta shield. (Figure 1)
- P-15 Alpha, Beta, Gamma Probe (GM) for
rapid checking of laboratory bench and equipment surfaces and for
checkout of personnel, the P-15 uses a 1-3/4'' mica window diameter,
1.5 mg/cm2 pancake tube. Background
is normally 50 to 60 counts per minute. Extremely sensitive to , and
alphas with sufficient energy to penetrate window (Betas > 50 KeV).
Window is protected by a 79% open, grill to prevent puncture or other
damage while presenting minimum absorption to incoming radiation.
Detects 5 KeV X-Rays and above. (Figure 2)
- P-15A Same as P-15 with 1/4'' lead shielding.
(Figure 2)
- P-23 Same detector as P6-LB with 3 PIN
connector on the probe.
- P-24 Underwater probe uses gamma sensitive
GM tube. Constructed of anodized, welded aluminum with O-ring seal
compressed by stainless steel bolts. The system has been tested by
cycling to 60 feet of water pressure. Lifetime of the detector is
approximately 1010 counts.(Figure 3)
- P-28 ``Long Arm'' Probe consists of
1-3/4'' net diameter pancake tube mounted at the end of a 40'' wand.
For rapid checking of laboratory bench and equipment surfaces, floors
and walls. Sensitive to soft betas, from C14, and to alphas.
The 1.5 - 2 mg/cm2 window is protected by an easy to decontaminate
grill. Wand is balanced and weighs only 23 ounces. The angle of the
detector can be adjusted, then locked in place. (Figure
- P-28/4 Same as P-28 but includes 4 pancake
tubes in head for faster more complete monitoring. (Figure
- P-1212 Alpha, Beta Spot Probe, highly
directional, small window, small volume GM probe designed for locating
and measuring sources of alpha and beta radiation. The tube has a
6 mm dia. x 1.5 mg/cm2 mica window. Low background (typically
less than 2 cpm) makes it ideal for measurements of low level sources.
Dimensions, 13mm dia. x 137mm long. (Figure 6)
Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Figure 5.

Figure 6.